Horizontal Menus

Before Login

  1. HOME - The New NJSAMS Main Page where you can see all Menu items before loggin

  2. DOCUMENTS - All Documents posted to NJSAMS will be displayed as sub-menu items and the links

  3. TREATMENT DIRECTORY (Addiction Services) - Treatment Providers' Directory updating as per
    request from the Provider. The providers can send request for update through the system

  4. HELP - On-line HELP



After Login as Administrator of Provider

  1. HOME - The New NJSAMS Main Page where you can see all Menu items before loggin

  2. DOCUMENTS - All Documents posted to NJSAMS will be displayed as sub-menu items and the links

  3. TREATMENT DIRECTORY (Addiction Services) - Treatment Providers' Directory updating as per
    request from the Provider. The providers can send request for update through the system

  4. MODULES - There are Three Main Modules as drop down of 1. DASIE; 2. Admission and 3. Discharge
  5. HELP - On-line HELP
  6. ADMIN - This Menu is only available for Administrators of Providers for adding, removing and
    assigning roles of the users from Providers





After Login as Users of Provider

  1. HOME - The New NJSAMS Main Page where you can see all Menu items before loggin

  2. DOCUMENTS - All Documents posted to NJSAMS will be displayed as sub-menu items and the links

  3. TREATMENT DIRECTORY (Addiction Services) - Treatment Providers' Directory updating as per
    request from the Provider. The providers can send request for update through the system
  4.  MODULES - There are Three Main Modules as drop down of 1. DASIE; 2. Admission and 3. Discharge

  5. HELP - On-line HELP