NJSAMS Release Notes
NJSAMS 3.4.1 has been released on 07/01/2016!! Please find Release Content Letter (RCL) : NJSAMS 3.4.1 RCL
Details of maintenance fixes of June 9, 2016 NJSAMS release can be found at: NJSAMS Release Notes
Details of the new features of May 23, 2016 NJSAMS 3.4 release can be found at: NJSAMS 3.4 Release Notes
Details RRI removal and maintenance fixes of February 1, 2016 NJSAMS 3.3.1 release can be found at: NJSAMS 3.3.1 Release Notes
Details of the new features and maintenance fixes of January 19, 2016 NJSAMS 3.3 release can be found at: NJSAMS 3.3 Release Notes
Details of the new features and maintenance fixes of November 10, 2015 NJSAMS 3.2 and November 24, 2015 NJSAMS release can be found at: NJSAMS Release Notes
NJSAMS complete user manual can be found at: NJSAMS User Manual for Providers
DSM-5 user manual can be found at: DSM-5 User Manual
Maintenance Fixes ( 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.0.4, 3.1.0,, 3.2, and 3.3.2)
Mar 28, 2016
  • DOB hotfix: If last two digits of client's year of birth is entered, system is taking current century.

  • Nov 14, 2015
  • SBIRT is no more a funding source in NJSAMS

  • Nov 10, 2015
  • Legal Disclaimer pop-up at the time of login has been fixed to display only at successful login

  • Adding a new Status code for “Discharge-in-Progress” to all Summary Admission Reports (Statewide, Agency and County)

  • Date of Birth not to allow future date

  • For Fee For Service consumers’ discharge date cannot be prior to service (Claim/bill) date

  • IME User Role only:

  • 1. To display Authorization Number in export to Excel for “Referral by IME” under Referral Client List.
    2. if dates are entered no need to select other search criteria such as Client ID, Last Name or SSN.
    3. Report for IME Managed Initiatives’ Assessment Authorization which is issued to services providers.

    Sep 21, 2015
    An assessment authorization fix has been updated in NJSAMS based on the issue reported by IME and help request ticket #22525 from Ticket Management System (TMS).

    Sep 15, 2015
    Choosing Sitelocation, Initiative and Service Date: Service providers will be allowed to choose sitelocation, initiative and Service startdate while request being sent to IME for a authorization.
    MATI Eligibility: MATI eligibility rules have been revised.
    DSM IV: DSM IV has been unlocked for admitted clients.

    July 22, 2015
    Enable Medicaid: Medicaid option “Yes” is being disabled by the system if client’s FPL is greater than 133%. This issue has been resolved in 3.0.4 release by enabling Medicaid option “Yes” if client’s FPL is greater than 133%.

    July 15, 2015
    Enable Discharge: Discharge section is being locked and prevents service providers to edit this section if client’s discharge date is back-dated to more than 30 days. This issue has been resolved in 3.0.3 release by enabling discharge section for 90 days from client’s discharge date.

    July 9, 2015
    Enable DASIE: DASIE is being locked once the client has been admitted. Service providers were unable to change client’s eligibility while client being treated. This issue has been resolved by un-locking the DASIE in 3.0.3 release. DASIE will be locked only if client discharge process has been initiated.

    July 6, 2015
    Assessment Authorization Approved list: Assessment Authorization Approved list was displaying unapproved assessment requests with an authorization number of “None”. The issue was, if provider obtained treatment authorization for the client, before IME approves the same client’s assessment authorization, it was moved to approved list. This issue has been resolved in 3.0.2 release.

    July 1, 2015
    Message Queue: At service provider end, message queue was listing all clients who have messages regardless of whether the consumer is in their agency or not. This issue has been resolved in 3.0.1 release.