What is "Name Omit" ?

Client Administrative Information (Admission Record - Page 1 of 14):

  1. If the client does not give permission to submit his/her name, social security number or address to NJSAMS (DAS) - the box, "Check here if client did not consent to send name, ssn, and address", should be checked.
  2. Enter the client’s name, social security number and address in the text boxes on admission page 1.
  3. If the "do not send to NJSAMS box is checked" the data will be held in memory and the client id will be created, but the name, ssn and address items will not be saved in the NJSAMS database. Elements from the name and ssn will be used to create the client id.
  4. Checking this box will prevent these items from being submitted to the NJSAMS database. The client’s name will not be available for the search function in NJSAMS because the information will not be in the data base table.
  5. To retain the identifiers for the agency client file, the first page of admission information can be printed by pressing <CTRL>P
  6. The client actual name will be shown on the topmost row throughout admission process while it is current. If it is closed and reopen the first name will be stored as NAME and the last name as OMIT so the client will be listed as NAME OMIT. The social security number will be listed as 888-88-8888 for all clients for whom the do not send box was checked.
  7. The Client ID will access the client’s record and only the agency will be able to associate that record with the client’s name, social security number and address if they keep actual client's information. Care should be taken when accessing these records at discharge and for other record updates that the same individual is being discharged or modified.